Psalm 12 (part 1)

August 29, 2024 Victor Yathand Season 1 Episode 1

**Psalm 12:1 (KJB) To the chief Musician upon Sheminith, A Psalm of David. Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. 

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Psalm twelve  (expository)

Lamentation for the present distress v1

Thyme:  the wicked walk on every side waist the vilest men are exalted
Thrust:  standing against the spirit of apostasy, by the hand of God, and the King James Bible 


  • The right response when surrounded by ungodliness
    2Ti 3:1-9; Ps 119:126; 1Co 7:26,29-31
  • Except the Hand of God move on this behalf ..we beet the air!  Ps 127:1
    -  arrayed in the armor of God
    -  to access all the weapon of all prayer Eph 6:10-18
    ABBA FATHER ..we cry in spirit and truth! 
  • Faithfulness failing because the words of God are Falling to the ground Isa 59:13-15
    -  pick up that which the enemy has cast down 
    -  redeeming the time because the days are evil
  • its one thing to complain ..its another to attain
    -  be the exception! Jude 3-4
    earnestly contending or relentlessly contentious
  • David speaks of taking the high ground ..namely HELP LORD!
    -  In taking the high ground he intends to defend what is true and right!
    The battle belongs to the Lord!
    The Lord of hosts is his name!
    even the seasoned spiritual warrior hath not the power to abase the wicked ..though he lay him low, yet his pride remains
        Job 40:7-13; 2Sa 23:7-8

 Deceptions of ungodliness v2 

Manifestation of the Hand of God v3-4

Protection in the presence of the Lord v5

Promises of provisions within substantiated faith,
by the preserved word of God v6-7

Overcoming in This evil present world v