KJB TRUTH -intro

August 24, 2024

   Welcome to KJB TRUTH PODCAST! here you will see a mix of expository and topical preaching, doctrinal teaching & current events. which i hope to present in demonstration of the Holy Spirit and power of the hand of God, in a relevant way, that will meet the need at such a time as this, in this evil present world! 

  After having been much hindered from within and with out, by devils and them that follow them and by leaning on my own understanding. i intend to make up for much much lost time. before the trumpet sounds and the faithful in Christ Jesus are spared from the time of Jacobs trouble!

  I encourage all to make an effort to get connected to this group of believers that will be gathered here, if so be that you find this info as valuable, for it will one day disappear and go underground. This is the intent as planned from its beginning, I do not intend to offer spirit of truth oil to be trembled under foot by the gainsayers. But rather to equip those that want to overcome to be spirit-filled vessels of honor meet for the masters own use! Their will be content also that only those that make an effort to connect to this bible believing network will have access to, and I'm not talking Patrion either. 

   WELCOME MY FRINDS!  ..let us stand together with the armor of righteousness on the left hand and on the right! ..looking and hasting unto the coming of the day of God!

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